Thursday, December 23, 2010

Free Labels For All!

                One of the quite popular things today is attaching labels to people in our lives.  Everywhere you go there are people with tags hanging from them. There’s always that ‘popular one’, the ‘sexy one’, the ‘nerdy one’, and, of course, ‘that one’ you just can’t stand. It has become an obsession of ours to tag people and behave with them according to what these tags and labels represent. But with excessive usage of such labels plenty have lost their true meanings. One of those labels is ‘friend’.              
                Something inevitable happens to us all in life, and that is change. It may be a smaller change relatively insignificant to you, such as a change in your routine, or a bigger change that can shake your present and force you to adapt. Graduating from high school means you’re growing up, that’s the good kind of change. However, leaving your old friends behind as your pursue individual life is, on the other hand, a change not many may welcome. That is a period when new people come into your new life trying to fill the gap left by people, specifically friends, from your past. But the question is, how can such past be left behind? It’s who you are, it’s the people whom you’ve chosen to share wonderful moments with. I couldn’t help but wonder, can you have a future perfect without your simple past?
                It seems everyone you know these days is in a way considered a part of your life, and has been labeled as a friend. Unfortunately, we tend to generalize, one of the fallacies that should be avoided, both in writings and in life. We know for fact many people who’ve never had a real friend to depend on. It would all be based on befriending whoever they meet, or worse, for personal benefit. It makes you wonder, have we been attaching false labels to fake people? Have we, in a way, started carelessly giving away labels to people unworthy of them? The question is, can you get lost in the light of your own falsely chosen labels to the extent of not recognizing the people who matter to you the most? I wondered, could it be that our labels cannot be proven true in some way? Eventually, I found out the answer.
                Last week was one of my friends’ usual Saturday Night Out. We had a couple of drinks, plenty of laughs, lots of pictures taken, and of course many precious moments. While we were in the process of creating memories I realized something. At that moment, and every Saturday, we were dressed up, head to toes, in one label that we all share towards each other; one label that can’t be created overnight, it’s the one label that assigns itself without anyone noticing, the label that sets all the other labels in their righteous positions and corrects false ones, and the only label that never goes out of style, and that is ‘Love’.

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